Amoy Suite @NUSMuseum
NUS Museum has approved the acquisition of a suite of drawings from the 1990-2000s.
Late last year, FOST Gallery has offered to help recommend a prospective donor. And I have designate one of my early work (Vines over Water, viewable at FOST Gallery) reserved as a personal gift for the prospective donor of Amoy Suite. Siang of NUSMuseum and FOST has all the details about tax-exempt for the donor of Amoy Suite to NUS Museum. Thank you very much.

All paper works are in place, Early this year, Sharon Tan of NUS Museum and its acquisition committee have verified the value of Amoy Suite.

Photo left shows one of the studies being photographed before passing to NUS Museum. It is not easy for a collector/ donor to comprehend why the museum want these works for the museum and how it hope to use as part of the university curriculum. For the untrained eye, they are mostly studies. Sharon and her team at NUS Museum will articulate on the relevance of these studies for NUS. The artist's job is already done.